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What others are saying…

Sarah provides the perfect voice for Darby as well as voicing her partner, Mark in a natural way. She does a fantastic job of providing distinct voices for each character including Southern, British, etc. accents for minor characters.
Author Liberty Speidel, The Darby Shaw Chronicles

The narrator did a fantastic job of performing this book. Her voices were perfect for the characters and she gave life to the long sections of internal dialogue.
Audible Listener, The Darby Shaw Chronicles

Sarah Rogers did an excellent job with the narration. I believe she brought this story to life in a very real way.” 
-Audible Listener, Rendered: The Irrevocable Series

“Having previously read the series and now to hear it as an audio book really brings a different perspective. The narrator has done a wonderful job with the reasing of this book. The story is still wonderful and awesome and is amazing being brought to life through audio. I love it and am now hooked on audio books!”
-Audible Listener, Rendered: The Irrevocable Series